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    Laura Stavlas

    Last post we talked about how you can use blogging as a marketing tool for your business to actually help bring traffic to your company website and even increase your SEO.

    If you’re now convinced starting a company blog can help grow your online brand awareness, the question follows: How do I get people to visit my blog?

    Here are some pointers to get you started:

    1. Content that has value

    The number one way to get your blog noticed is to write content that has value to people. If you have a real estate company, perhaps your blog will offer insights on selling or buying a home. If you’re a personal chef, your blog might feature unique recipes and cooking tips. If you’re a pharmaceutical company, your blog might feature the latest controversies or concerns of new medicines. Get the picture? Know your audience (your customers and clients) and give them something to think about, some valuable wisdom that will make them see a purpose in returning to your blog. When people see value in your posts, they will come back for more.

    2. Frequency is key

    While good content is key, it’s also helpful to be consistent in the frequency of your new blog posts. Get a routine going on how often posts are written. If people visit your blog but see there is no new content, it will greatly discourage them from returning. Some blogs update new posts daily, others might be as infrequent as bi-monthly. Whatever your schedule, try to keep it regular so people will know what to expect.

    3. Give your readers a way to follow you

    You can also encourage people to subscribe to your RSS feed on your blog. Give us a call and we can set this up for you. An RSS feed will send readers who subscribe to your blog a new email of your most recent post every time you write a new post. Remember, the overall goal of blogging for your company is to get your name buzzing online. Making it easy for people to connect with you by offering a RSS feed is a great convenience for readers.

    4. Keep it short and sweet

    Consider shortening the length of your posts. When people visit your blog, typically they are reading many other RSS feeds and blogs. Time is limited. So, the idea is to give them the key content in a package as short and sweet as possible. Don’t feel each post needs to be a five-page article—though it is certainly okay to write a longer post as long as it is valuable to the reader. However, an equally valuable post might be as short as a paragraph, a question, and answer, an image or a list of tips.

    5. Utilize social media

    Finally, you need to utilize social media (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram) to promote your blog/company name, if you haven’t done so already. Each time you write a new post send out a tweet and status update with a link to your post to encourage friends and followers to visit.

    That’s how you make the tools of social media work for you and build a following that will ultimately bring you more business.